Enlighten me, light therapy, Low Level Light Therapy, Photobiomodulation, Red Light Therapy, Chilliwack, insight, light therapy system, polychromatic light therapy, Canada, bc, Vancouver

Servicing Ailments from Arthritis to Sports Injuries Neurological Conditions & Lymphatic Cleanses Body Contouring & Ageless Beauty

Online bookings are live!

Tuesdays and Fridays 9:00-5:00
Wednesday, Thursday 9:00-1:30
Saturday 9:00-1:00

Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

Safe and Effective Light Therapy Treatments

Low Level Light Therapy, also known as LLLT, or simply light therapy, provides treatment for a wide range of conditions, and its results are quickly making it a client favourite. Cosmetically, it can be a non-invasive weight-loss procedure that lyses excess fat without the negative side effects of surgical methods such as liposuction. It can aide in skin conditions, hair loss, and mood enhancing. Medically it can aide in wound healing, arthritis and pain, neurological conditions, and much more!

Proven Benefits!

Pain Reduction

Reduces inflammation, speeds healing, improves circulation, improves range of motion.

Sleep Improvements

De-stresses the body and mind, supports the parasympathetic nervous system, supports the hormonal system.

Body Benefits

Increases nitric oxide, stimulates release of ATP, supports cardiovascular system, supports elimination of toxins.


Supports collagen production, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, reduces varicose veins, relieves age spots.

Our Mission

At Enlighten Me Systems we care about our clients! From the first moment you meet or speak with us, we will take the time to listen to your concerns and coach you to make the best decisions for your health. Our commitment to quality and services ensure our clients leave happy. With years of experiences and continuing education, our dedicated staff are ready to help.  Book your free consultation today!

Enlighten me, light therapy, Low Level Light Therapy, Photobiomodulation, Red Light Therapy, Chilliwack, insight, light therapy system, polychromatic light therapy, Canada, bc, Vancouver

Lisa's Approach

Lisa Fairney has lived in Chilliwack most of her life. She attended both the UFV for her Certification as a Dental Assistant, worked with special needs children for 30 years as an Educational Assistant with the Chilliwack school district and has now obtained her Certified LED Light Therapist program through Quantum Academies. Her passion to help others drove her to open Enlighten Me. Lisa believes that the body is equipped to heal itself when given the recourses it needs.  That natural approaches should be explored whenever possible.

Enlighten me, light therapy, Low Level Light Therapy, Photobiomodulation, Red Light Therapy, Chilliwack, insight, light therapy system, polychromatic light therapy, Canada, bc, Vancouver


Body Care Therapies

Medi Service Therapies

  • Neuropathy pain from $60
  • Joint & Arthritis pain from $60
  • TBI/Concussion/Stroke from $60
  • Back, Body and Neck pain from $60
  • Sports Recovery & Pre-Conditioning from $60
  • Surgical Recovery & Wound Healing from $60
  • Skin Support Applications from $60
  • Wellness/Anti-Aging from $60
Our Beloved Clients

What They Are Saying